Dubak Electrical utilizes infrared imaging systems with powerful software to provide a fast and effective means of identifying potential problems in electrical and mechanical equipment, refractory and insulation materials. This information is compiled into a comprehensive report using easily interpreted text with the infrared image and a visible light reference. Preventive or corrective repairs can then be scheduled on a priority basis.
Electrical infrared inspection is an effective means to identify excessive heat loss in systems or materials.
Every object radiates electromagnetic energy invisible to the human eye, but visible to specialized equipment. Thermal imaging radiometers can detect and measure infrared radiation, and produce a map – whether of colors or varying shades of gray – that show the surface temperatures of the object. The lighter colors or shades represent the warmest temperatures and the darker colors or shades the coolest. By utilizing electrical infrared testing, problem areas are quickly identified and recorded along with all of the related temperature information. This service is extremely valuable for testing various elements of an electrical system, including switches, transformers, outlets, receptacles, lighting panels and control systems.
The technology was first utilized in the thermographic inspection of electrical installations to locate high resistance connections or faulty components. Industrial thermography has also been proven in finding areas of reduced insulation in buildings and refractory materials, and even leaks in building roofs.
The main advantage electrical infrared testing offers over destructive testing is that it enables large areas to be scanned with greater speed. It can save a significant amount of time in addition to reducing wear on machinery. Infrared thermography also is an area testing technique, whereas other methods are generally only effective for point testing. In addition, infrared scanning of electrical equipment can be performed day or night, offering greater flexibility for crews to perform their duties without worrying about interrupting normal activities.
Inspection of rotating machinery is a way in which electrical thermography is now being used more extensively. Infrared scanning of electrical equipment has been found effective in
A non-contact, non-destructive means of testing
Reduce industrial electrical and mechanical downtime
Virtually eliminate unnecessary work
Reduce unnecessary material expenses
Avoid catastrophic failures
Direct maintenance to the root of the problem
Refractory Applications
Annual Inspections
Insurance Inspections
Process & Product Applications
Energy Conservation